UniCourt is a leader in making court data more accessible and useful through our Legal Data as a Service. Get 50% off your first month of UniCourt.
Get real-time access to state and federal court records all in one convenient place for case research and tracking, Legal Data APIs, automated searches, legal analytics, and much more.
Case ResearchSearch state and federal (PACER) court records all in one convenient place for your case research needs.
Case TrackingAutomatically track court cases with ease and receive alerts on new docket updates.
Legal Data APIsAPI access to normalized court data from state and federal courts through UniCourt’s Legal Data as a Service.
Automated SearchesBe the first to know when your clients are involved in new litigation with automated court searches.
Entity TrackingEasily create custom entity tracking solutions for all of your clients or entities of interest all in one portal.
Legal AnalyticsGet legal analytics on the attorneys, law firms, businesses, and judges involved in litigation.