Join us for an in-depth discussion of the Enneagram of Personality. The Enneagram is a tool that allows us to see ourselves and others through the core motivations that drive us. We will reveal how different personality types fall into and approach conflict, and how recognizing these conflict styles make the Enneagram an effective tool in facilitating amicable resolutions. Whether you're handling situations with legal adversaries, dealing with in-firm conflict, or working with clients, we will discuss how understanding someone's personality type ultimately facilitates better approaches to conflicts, and creates a healthier, more balanced work environment for lawyers and law firms.
- What Is Personality?
- What Is the Enneagram Personality System?
- How the System Works and the Nine Personality Types.
- Self Awareness & Conflict
- The Types Under Stress
- The Three Rules & Conflict Resolution
- Takeaways
- Other Applications of the Enneagram Personality System
- Q&A
Aletheia Consulting, LLC
Will Stavros, Esq. has 25+ years of courtroom trial experience and has represented thousands in court. He practices in both State and Federal Courts.
Will is also founder of Aletheia Consulting, LLC where he facilitates workshops and consultations on the Enneagram Personality System. Will has over 300 hours of formal Enneagram training and has developed a compelling approach to teaching the system. He has worked with Bar Associations, Law Firms, Government Organizations, and Private Businesses.